Sunday, June 26, 2011

"Big-O" Birthday Celebrations

Many of my friends have been celebrating milestone birthdays recently. In general, most people tend to loathe even thinking about turning 30,40, 50, etc.... I have been impressed with the careful planning and reflection that my friends have dedicated to their upcoming transitions into another phase of their lives.

For instance three of my friends who were turning 30, 40 and 50 respectively, all went to California for a special trip together this last week. My brilliant friend Amy (and she does literally sparkle with enthusiasm and love) completed a half marathon on the Great Wall of China this past spring for her 50th birthday. Jackie (who I've known since we met in Lamaze class about 20 years ago), spent a beautiful evening with friends from every walk of her life, at the Blue Horse Wine Bar. We celebrated her 50th 'Jackie-style' with amazing food, much laughter and dancing! Currently my very good friend and fellow teaching buddy, Marca, is exploring Hawaiian volcanoes and finding her inner fire whilst turning 50.

Finally, I took a break from weeding in my garden this afternoon, to visit with my neighborhood friend Shirley. She will be turning 90 on the first of July. We walked around her yard admiring her view of Mt. Baker, smelling the flowers, reminiscing about the good times, and fondly remembering her husband and others friends who had passed on. Most of all I loved her sentiment about turning 90. She really couldn't believe she was going to be that old, yet stated matter-of-factly: "We definitely do not have control over getting older, but we can enjoy all those we love and make each day count". Smiling brightly she clasped her hands together and invited me to join her for a nice cocktail on her patio!

I'm sure I will find an amazing and authentic way to enjoy my 50th. Yet maybe the best small adjustment I can make is to follow Shirley's advice, and enjoy the incredible people I have in my life and of course make my life count each and every day.

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